Nominate me for "MOM OF THE YEAR!"
Today was Ty's school field trip. I wasn't really planning on going, but this morning I couldn't resist his cute little face asking me to be his "date" for the field trip. Of course I agreed! He told me the bus was leaving the school at 9 a.m. and to hurry and get ready. So..... because I had a million things to do and wasn't sure if I could make it to the school to actually ride the bus, I called the school for directions. I left my house at 9 a.m. and took the 1 hour trip to Austin to the Butterfly Museum. I stopped on the way to pick up a Lunchable and M&M's. (I had already packed a lunch for him, but this would be an added bonus that I know he would be happy about.) I get to the Museum and see all of the Marble Falls school buses. As I'm walking up to the first group of students, I see one of my other friends there and ask her where Ty's class is. She directs me to a different building. I go in there... still no sign of Ty or his class. They direct me to a different building. Still no sign. The next person I asked told me that Ty's class was not at this field trip... they are back in Kingsland. (which is 15 minutes west of Marble Falls!!) I had come to the 3rd GRADE FIELD TRIP!!!!!! Ty is at the 4th GRADE FIELD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could have died. I felt so bad. As far as I know, Ty thinks I didn't show up. I wasn't there by 9 a.m. to ride the bus with him..... and now I'm and hour and fifteen minutes away. I asked for a refund for my Butterfly Museum ticket and raced back to the car. I knew if I hurried.... I could make it back in time.......... cut to picture......
If you squint and make sure there isn't a glare on the screen (or just click on the picture for a larger view) .......... you can see where I spent the next HOUR of my life. Needless to say, I did not make it back in time to meet him for his field trip. I'm sure that he is fine without me, but I do feel so bad for "standing up" my baby.
I'm saving his Lunchable and M&M's for an after school snack.... and hoping he forgives me!
(Yes I did call the school and let them know about the miscommunication. They felt horrible.)
2015 Hinson Family Photo Shoot
9 years ago